Complexion Benefits from Green Tea!

Most of us, from teenage years on, have been looking for a way to improve our complexion: acne, psoriasis, wrinkles, blemishes, etc. Women in countries such as China, India, Japan and Thailand have been enjoying the benefits of green tea for more than 4000 years.

Green tea contains high levels of the antioxidant catechin polyphenols, especially epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), vitamins A and B (2). EGCG is a strong antioxidant that helps your body cleanse harmful toxins, supports the function of the antioxidants already present in your body, and will lower the risk of skin cancer.

How will green tea help with your complexion?Libre Tea Glass

Green tea will help:

  • Improve the skin elasticity
  • Reduce inflammation & blemishes
  • Enhance the detoxification process
  • Decrease hormonal activity
  • Reduce acne

You can take advantage of these benefits when you drink your green tea in your Libre tea glass and/or by using it topically.

When drinking the tea you are treating the problem, not just the symptoms, allowing the antioxidants to correct an imbalance. When preparing tea in your tea glass, do not add white sugar as this will cancel out the benefits. You can use a little bit of Agave Syrup, or pure muscovado sugar if necessary to sweeten your tea. Adding a little lemon juice to your tea will increase the absorption rate of the catechins.

Using green tea topically helps more with the symptoms. Green Tea works wonders as a toner. Use your cold leftover tea (without milk & sugar) in your tea glass as a toner in the morning and at night after cleansing.  You can use the steeped tea leaves wrapped up in a small piece of cheesecloth (or a teabag) and gently rub over your face to treat acne, rashes, blemishes, sunburns, eye puffiness, cuts, bug bites and other minor skin irritations. You can also make your own Green Tea Moisturizer to help with dry itchy skin, scaly or flaky skin, oily skin and more.

Needless to say, using a combined approach will give you the best results.  You will have a healthier, more beautiful complexion as well as a healthier you!

For more information on the health benefits of tea, read here.

Information for this post was found at: 

Have you tried using green tea for your complexion?

Is so, how did it work for you?

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